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CHCS  Chemical Hazards Communication Society  Promoting the awareness of chemical hazards & improvements in their identification & communication


Thank you for your interest in joining the Chemical Hazards Communication Society - CHCS. If you haven't already read about the benefits of of being a member of CHCS you can do so on our Membership Page. You might also like to take a look at our Constitution. If you have any questions please Contact Us

If you wish to join CHCS as an "Ordinary Member" then you can use the process outlined on this page.

CHCS Membership

CHCS membership runs for 1 year from the date on which you submit your application.

The subscription fee is £99.00 (plus £19.80 VAT - total £118.80).

For more information on the VAT implications for members located outside the UK, please download our Applying For CHCS Membership From Overseas Guide.


There are a limited number of bursaries  (free membership) for applicants. Please apply by sending an email or writing to the Secretary at the CHCS Office.


See our Credit Card Payments document: CHCS Credit Card Payments.

CHCS Constitution

You can download the latest CHCS Constitution as a PDF by clicking on this link: 

2020 revised version as approved at 26th Annual General Meeting 24 & 25 November 2020

Our Membership Application Process

We hope you find our application process to be simple and efficient:

  1. Complete our online form, below, providing as much of the information requested as possible. You can edit any of the information once you have completed the form - just please ensure that your email address is correct as we will use this to notify you of how your application is progressing.

  2. When you reach the end of the form, check the data and submit your application. You will then receive an email or 2 from us informing you of your applications progress.

  3. We will also email you an invoice. Please see the "How To Pay section" below. Payment by credit card is our preferred option as this reduces our administration time and cost.

  4. One of the emails will contain a password for you to use in conjunction with your email address with which you can access your new CHCS profile and start to take advantage of the full range of benefits CHCS has to offer. It may be a good idea to change the supplied password to one of your own.

  5. Once we receive payment against our membership invoice we will approve you as a CHCS member. 

Ready To Apply As A CHCS "Ordinary Member"?

This simple form will only take a couple of minutes to complete. Just start by entering your email address and clicking on "Next". We look forward to welcoming you as a Member and seeing you on one of our training modules or other CHCS events. (Please note: if you are already a Member and logged in, you will not see the application form.)

ORDINARY MEMBER - £99.00 (GBP) Subscription period: 1 year No automatically recurring payments

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* e-Mail

Once you have completed the application we will send you an email confirming your membership request.

We will also send you an invoice by email.

How To Pay

Credit Card (Our Preferred Method Of Payment)

Our emailed invoice includes a direct link to our credit card payment system. You can also pay by credit card from the link shown on your CHCS profile page.

By Bank Transfer Or Cheque

Our invoice also contains our bank details and address to which to send cheques.

Please Note

Invoices will only be sent to the member email address recorded in our Membership and Event Management system, but will also show any other email address for invoicing that you have on your record . It is your responsibility to arrange payment, either by arranging payment yourself, or forwarding the invoice to the payee’s email address.


CHCS' March 2025 Newsletter is now available, containing several  important updates on the many recent changes to the regulation framework. See CHCS March 2025 Newsletter [Posted on 14 March 2025]

Another turnaround on the classification of titanium dioxide
On 06 February this year, the Advocate General Ćapeta of the European Union Court, delivered an Opinion on the appeal regarding the carcinogenic classification of titanium dioxide, supporting the European Commission and the French government. CHCS members can read more on our News Briefings page [Posted on 14 March 2025]

CHCS Webinar Q&A Session: EU CLP Changes - It's all in the dates
CHCS have now published the recording from the EU CLP Changes Webinar. Q&A Session. CHCS members can access this on the Past Events page of the website. [Posted on 13 March 2025]

TSCA Inventory updated
In January 2025, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) updated the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) inventory. CHCS members can read more on our News Briefings page [Posted on 11 March 2025]

CHCS Webinar: CFR49, United States Code of Federal Regulations, Transport
CHCS is pleased to announce that Denese Deeds will present a webinar covering the United States (US), Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49 covering transportation. More information is available on the Events page of the website. [Posted on 13 February 2025]

European Commission publishes updated version of the unofficial consolidated text of the CLP Regulation
The European Commission has published an updated version of the unofficial consolidated text of the CLP Regulation on the classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, EC No. 1272/2008. CHCS members can read more on our News Briefings page [Posted on 6 February 2025]

UK Government does not pull the Stormont Brake over the EU CLP Amendment
The DUP had asked the UK Government to pull the Stormont Brake before Christmas. CHCS members can read more on our News Briefings page [Posted on 23 January 2025]

DEFRA launches Circular Economy Taskforce The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has launched a Circular Economy Taskforce, an independent advisory group to support government in creating a circular economy strategy for England. CHCS members can read more on our News Briefings page [Posted on 14 January 2025]

Microplastics restriction: Consultation closing on the proposal for the implementation of the reporting requirements
There is not long left to respond to the Consultation issued by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), on the implementation of the reporting requirements related to the microplastics restriction under REACH (Regulation EC No. 1907/2006). CHCS members can read more on our News Briefings page [Posted on 13 January 2025]

EU Notifies draft regulation to the WTO updating REACH to restrict substances classified as CMR
The European Union (EU) has notified a draft Commission Regulation to the World Trade Organisation, Technical Barriers to Trade Committee (WTO-TBT). CHCS members can read more on our News Briefings page [Posted on 31 December 2024]

CHCS 30th AGM & Desmond Waight Memorial Lecture
CHCS have now published the slides and recording from the Memorial Lecture. CHCS members can access these on the Past Events page of the website [Posted on 20 November 2024]

UK notifies update to the WTO on the Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging and Packaging Waste) Regulations 2024
The United Kingdom (UK) has notified an update the World Trade Organisation, Technical Barriers to Trade Committee, in respect of the Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging and Packaging Waste) Regulations 2024. CHCS members can read more on our News Briefings page [Posted on 30 October 2024]

HSE publishes another batch of GB MCL Opinions and technical reports
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has published another batch of GB mandatory classification and labelling (GB MCL) Agency Opinions. CHCS members can read more on our News Briefings page [Posted on 23 October 2024]

UK REACH authorisation decisions 
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has published decisions on applications for authorisation, for the time-limited use of substances of very high concern (SVHC) under UK REACH, on the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals. CHCS members can read more on our News Briefings page [Posted on 21 October 2024]

Update to the GB Cosmetics Regulation notified to the WTO-TBT
The Department for Business and Trade, Office for Product Safety and Standards has notified an update to the World Trade Organisation, Technical Barriers to Trade Committee (WTO-TBT) regarding the GB Cosmetics Regulation. CHCS members can read more on our News Briefings page [Posted on 16 October 2024]

European Council adopts revision to the EU CLP Regulation
The Council of the European Union has adopted the final text revising the EU CLP Regulation (EC No. 1272/2008), on the classification, labelling and packaging of chemical substances, which is the final step in the decision-making procedure. CHCS members can read more on our News Briefings page [Posted on 15 October 2024]

Guidance from the Government: What to do in a chemical emergency
The Government has published new guidance entitled ‘What to do in a Chemical Emergency’. The advice on the immediate actions to be taken include seeking shelter, decontamination and keeping informed. CHCS members can read more on our News Briefings page [Posted on 14 October 2024]

HSE Article 37A consultations
The HSE have opened three consultations under Article 37 A of GB CLP. CHCS members can read more on our News Briefings page [Posted on 10 October 2024]

European Commission decision to restrict undecafluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA) and PFHxA‑related substances
The European Commission has issued the regulation restricting the use of undecafluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA) and PFHxA‑related substances under European REACH: Regulation 1907/2006 on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals. CHCS members can read more on our News Briefings page [Posted on 9 October 2024]

DGSA Survey
The Department for Transport is conducting a DGSA survey by way of a call for evidence, aimed at DGSAs and organisations dealing with the transportation of dangerous goods. CHCS members can read more on our News Briefings page [Posted on 7 October 2024]

22nd ATP to CLP published
The 22nd Adaptation to Technical Progress (ATP) to the Regulation on the classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (CLP) has been published. CHCS members can read more on our News Briefings page [Posted on 3 October 2024]

23rd ATP sent to WTO
The 23rd Adaptation to Technical Progress (ATP) to the CLP Regulation, Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 has been notified to the World Trade Organisation, Technical Barriers to Trade (WTO-TBT) Committee. CHCS members can read more on our News Briefings page [Posted on 2 October 2024]

Highlights from September’s RAC and SEAC meetings – including the RAC opinion on the harmonised classification and labelling of Talc
The Highlights from September’s RAC and SEAC meetings have been published on the ECHA News website. CHCS members can read more on our News Briefings page [Posted on 27 September 2024]

IATA 66th Edition of the DGR
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) have published the significant changes and amendments in the 65th edition (2025) of the Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR). CHCS members can read more on our News Briefings page [Posted on 24 September 2024]

IATA – dangerous goods video – 66th edition of the DGR
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) have published a video of the changes to the 2025 66th edition of the Dangerous Goods Regulations. CHCS members can read more on our News Briefings page [Posted on 18 September 2024]

Poison centres – Member States intentions document updated
The document produced by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) on the overview of Member States decisions in relation to implementation of Annex VIII to CLP Regulation has been updated. CHCS members can read more on our News Briefings page [Posted on 16 September 2024]

Endocrine Disruptors - 1st CHCS Video

We have produced our first video for members: "Endocrine Disruptors", which is available to members free-of-charge.

This introductory video explains the various components of the human endocrine system and how they interact, to help understand the mechanisms of endocrine disruptors on human systems.

The video is just over 10 minutes long.

For access to the video, please visit: Endocrine Disruptors Video.

[Posted on 1 July 2019]

CHCS News Summary

  • Help HSE Build their AI Knowledge Base (11 September 2024)

  • HSE Survey on the GB CLP Regulation (5 September 2024)

  • EU CLP Corrigendum Text (4 September 2024)

  • K-REACH registration deadline approaching for existing substances in 100-1000 tonnes/annum volume threshold (2 September 2024)

  • Australia updates downloadable Inventory of Industrial Chemicals (29 August 2024)

  • Updates to the EU Chemicals Legislation Finder (27 August 2024)

  • ECHA RAC adopts Seven opinions on harmonised classification and labelling (9 August 2024)

  • ECHA RAC adopts two opinions on occupational exposure limits (8 August 2024)

  • Update to the Consultation on UK REACH (21 June 2024)

  • OSHA has issued a final rule that updates the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) (21 May 2024)

  • European Parliament votes on key legislation & European Commission announces guiding criteria for essential use (25 April 2024)

  • Amendments to the GB Cosmetics Regulation (15 April 2024)

                CHCS Members can read these News items, and older posts, on the CHCS News Briefings page.

                Next 3 CHCS Training Courses:

                For a full list of our CHCS Training Courses, please visit our Training page. 

                OTHER CHCS EVENTS

                HOW TO JOIN CHCS

                CHCS Membership is open to any person with an interest in chemical hazard communications. You can join by completing the simple on-line form at Join CHCS.

                Contact CHCS

                • General, membership, events, training, invoices, payments, etc. enquiries:

        , tel+ 44 (0) 333 210 2427

                See full CHCS Contact Details.

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