CHemical hazards Questions ForumCHCS runs an email-based discussion group, known as the Forum, for the mutual support of CHCS members and others with an interest in Chemical Hazard Communication.With around two-thirds of the Forum subscribers being located in the EU, and around 80% of those in the UK, the Forum has had a natural bias towards European and UK issues. But with the introduction of GHS, and the magnitude of international trade – especially in mixtures – there are many product stewards outside the UK who consider it worthwhile to subscribe. At the last count, nearly a third of the subscribers were located outside of the UK in thirty-two different countries. The CHCS email Forum generates significant interest, and is known to have a number of readers working for various regulatory bodies. Subscribers have often been able to find help and guidance in areas where the regulatory framework is silent or unclear. The Forum is free, is simple to join, and is open to anyone anywhere in the world who has a professional involvement in the subject of Hazardous Chemicals (Dangerous Goods) Communication. The Forum is not a bulletin board, but a 'push' email system. Forum Subscribers submit their contributions by email to the Forum Operator: Questions, Responses, and News items. The only restriction in scope is that submissions should be relevant to Chemical Hazard Communication (CHC) matters. The Forum Operator (ForOp), who also acts on behalf of CHCS as the primary moderator, then emails the content to each person on the subscription list. The subscription list is securely retained, and the addresses of other subscribers are not present in the emails received by the subscribers. Examples of recent Questions from the ForumExamples of recent Questions from the Forum with the various answers that reply directly and also draw out the different points involved are as follows: QUESTION 1
Subscribing to the Questions ForumAnyone joining CHCS will be automatically subscribed to the Forum, and need take no further action. You can download the Forum's "Conditions" from this link: CHCS Email Forum Conditions. A non-member of CHCS wishing to subscribe to the Forum should send an email with the Subject "Forum Join", to Please do not include any questions or other Forum content in the message. It will be ignored. In the message, please give your name as you usually write it. The forename(s) and surname which you give will be into our database and will be shown at the head of any contributions (questions, responses, news) from you that are published as Forum messages. You will be sent a message requesting consent for CHCS to process your personal information. Without that consent we cannot send you the messages. Once your consent has been recorded, you will be sent a confirmation message with details on how the Forum operates. CHCS will record, store, and use for sending the Forum messages, the email address from which the “Forum Join” message was sent. Requests to subscribe a third party cannot be accepted. Changes of your email address should be sent to and the same rules will apply. An address change request may be subjected to a confirmatory check. Only one address per subscriber may be active at a time. If any email address is reported as no longer valid, it may be automatically deleted. In that case you will need to subscribe again from your new address. When you leave the Forum, please notify Your personal data will be deleted on receipt of that notification. Please feel free to mention the Forum to others whom you feel may be interested. Membership of CHCS is a not a requirement for becoming a Forum subscriber.We look forward to receiving your request to join our Forum. Notes:
For further information on CHCS or the Forum please contact the CHCS Office. No Messages?The Forum is not an automated bulletin-board, but is a manual email messaging system involving real human beings. Nonetheless the Forum does not take many breaks. Any break longer than around four days would usually be announced in advance. So if you have seen no messages for a week or more, a filter or other gatekeeper at your end may be blocking the messages.If you are a Forum subscriber whose message flow has dried up, please email the Forum Operator at to check; but you will need to provide an alternative contact channel for the ForOp to use to respond. (Because otherwise the email reply to your enquiry will fall into the same pit as the Forum messages themselves!) | CHCS NewsCHCS' March 2025 Newsletter is now available, containing several important updates on the many recent changes to the regulation framework. See CHCS March 2025 Newsletter [Posted on 14 March 2025] |