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Module 15, Advanced Preparation of Safety Data Sheets (EU & UK) (15.041)

  • 07 May 2025
  • 08 May 2025
  • 2 sessions
  • 07 May 2025, 09:15 12:45 (BST)
  • 08 May 2025, 09:15 12:45 (BST)
  • This Module will be delivered live online, in two morning sessions as detailed.
  • 14


  • £275 (+VAT)
  • £300 (+VAT)
  • £275 (+VAT)
  • £300 (+VAT)
  • £275 (+VAT)
  • £300 (+VAT)



     CHCS Training         

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Module 15, Advanced Preparation of Safety Data Sheets (EU & UK)

No single part of the SDS (whether for Europe, UK or other parts of the World) can be considered in isolation; toxicologists need to understand the importance of chemistry and ecotoxicologists need to know about first aid recommendations just as much as chemists need to know about toxicology and ecotoxicology. This module 'takes a step back' and considers the whole picture both from a technical and an administrative viewpoint. It also goes into much more depth than the introductory module (Module 1) and introduces the ‘extended’ SDS required.

Who Should Attend

This course, delivered live online over two consecutive mornings, is an informal mixture of tutoring and examination of example SDs and discussions on 'how we can do better'. This is aimed at those with a reasonable technical understanding of topics included in the SDS and who want to know how they all fit together.

Benefits Of Attending?

Attendance on this series of modules will ensure that your SDSs meet the increasing expectations of both your customers and the regulators. The content of this module considers the sourcing and use of data to ensure the recommendations for risk management are appropriate. It will also serve as an introduction to Module 20 (The Extended SDS, Understanding Exposure Scenarios). To ensure the most effective training with optimum involvement in participative exercises, there will be a limit of 16 on the number attending. It is expected that those attending will already have reasonable experience in writing and reading SDSs.

IOSH members are entitled to include this module in their continuing professional development records.

What You Will Learn

Even if those familiar with the format and legal requirements of an SDS can benefit from looking at how data on substances will impact on the SDS and help assess risk management of mixtures prepared with these substances. It is also important to know how to assess data, either from suppliers or from public data bases (such as ECHA) and improve confidence in the data.

Likewise, if there is no data trail, how can your decisions on how to classify be justified in the event of a challenge by customers or regulators? Some time will be spent on how to consider properties of substances and mixtures that have no specific test data.

Even if using good SDS authoring software, you still need to think carefully about the information entered. This module aims to make you think.

Topics covered will include:

  • The function of safety data sheets and overview of the required content
  • Obligations of writers of safety data sheets
  • Data sources including disseminate dossiers
  • Understanding test reports and suppliers' data sheets
  • Computer models, 'read across' and educated guessing
  • Complex mixtures and reporting data for components
  • Identification of minor components
  • Consistency with labels and instructions for use
  • Consistency with REACH registration obligations
  • Version control
  • Data trails
  • Document justification
  • Exposure considerations as required under REACH
  • Linking to CLP

Module Tutor

The training will be given by Mark Selby of Denehurst Chemical Safety Ltd. Mark had many years’ experience in industry and major testing laboratories before setting up his own consulting business.

Module Deputy

Dr Mel Cooke has 26 years' experience in chemicals legislation. He is director at Alchemy Compliance, a consultancy specialising in the REACH and CLP Regulations, and has published numerous articles.


Irrespective of the legal status, the importance of the SDS remains the same in the EU and UK. The formatting and content of the SDS is set by United Nations GHS and the UK is following these requirements.

Module Presentation

We will deliver this training using online training software, which we have used successfully for other CHCS training courses. You can use the software, free-of-charge on Windows, Macs, smartphones and tablets.

The sessions will run live and delegates can interact with the tutor and other delegates using their device microphone. The tutor will use a PowerPoint presentation, just as they would in face-to-face training. We will provide you with copies of the presentation and all other supporting documentation in advance of the training, by email.

Delegate Feedback  

“Engaging course leaders tried to make content more relevant to all attendees’ industries”

“Good knowledgeable presenter. Very good presenting style. Interesting and useful techniques using real data, manipulated for classification”

“The presenter was very clear and easy to follow, the online classroom software was very straightforward to use”

“Very informative course and the presenters are very knowledgeable”


CHCS Training Courses are only available to CHCS members and members of our partner organisations listed below.

If you aren't a member of CHCS we'd be pleased to welcome you to the Society, and then you may register for training courses (and other CHCS member-only events). You can JOIN US by completing the form on this website.

Our online courses are priced at £300.00 (+VAT). However, we also offer a discount price of £275.00 (+VAT) for booking taken up to 6 weeks before the course date.

If you are a CHCS member, use your CHCS login details, then click on the "REGISTER" button shown on the right-hand-side of the screen. You will then be able to access either the Discount or Full-Price rate depending on the date. 

You can pay online using your credit card, or have an invoice sent to you for payment by credit card or bank transfer. However, we only accept Credit Card payments for any registrations made within 5 weeks of the date of the course.


Members Of BADGP & SCHC

CHCS is delighted to have arrangements with:

Members of both organisations can attend CHCS events at CHCS member-only rates and vice versa. If you are a member of either organisation and wish to attend this course, please visit the Partners page of our website and follow the links to the web page of the organisation to see how to register.  

Please note these Conditions

Delegates can be substituted at any time, subject to payment of a membership fee if applicable. However, once booked, the full fee is payable. As this is a limited space training event, refunds can only be made if CHCS is notified in advance, and is able to successfully re-offer the place to another delegate.

CHCS reserves the right to alter or cancel the programme due to circumstances beyond our control, including insufficient interest. If CHCS cancels, then refunds will be made.

For registrations made within 5 weeks of the course date, we only accept payment by Card.

CHCS Training

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