CHCS Training
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Module 80
UK REACH & GB CLP Practicalities: Linking UK and EU Processes
The UK and EU are maintaining virtually parallel systems in terms of terminology and technical standards, although there are issues with regard to responsibility in the supply chain, especially if supplying the UK and EU through hubs in the UK or EU.
The two half-day sessions cover both the issues that have arisen as a result of the UK exit from the EU and the new relations between EU and UK Regulations (and of course, not forgetting Northern Ireland).
A number of Regulations relating to chemical supply are impacted by the UK exit from the EU and although the principles and content of the Regulations remain the same in both regulatory frameworks, there are many organisers who are considered as importers and exporters and have respective responsibilities.
As well as REACH Registration and formatting of SDS and Labelling, other Regulations impacted include CLP, Biocides, Cosmetics, Plant Protection, etc.
The first step for all those involved in production and supply of chemical products is to establish their position in the supply chain to determine their own responsibilities. There is still some confusion in the market as to the respective roles, supply line mapping is crucial.
Once supply lines and responsibilities are understood, it will be necessary to look at the detail for REACH Registration and labelling (address of suppliers?) and so on. Ultimately, there may be a need for new UK Registrations to be considered.
The objective of these sessions is to ensure that the UK importer / supplier understands their position in the supply line and acts accordingly to comply with UK Regulations and to help their EU customers comply with EU Regulations when exporting. We will also cover key areas of divergence.
Sample Proramme
Session 1
Mapping Supply Lines And Understanding Obligations In The UK And EU
The UK Position In Europe – Introduction And Overview
Impacted Regulations (REACH, CLP, Biocides, Cosmetics etc)
Responsibilities of those in the supply chain
Appointing EU Representatives
Initial UK Requirements For REACH & CLP
UK Gateway for submission
Downstream User Import Notification (DUIN)
Supporting customers in Europe supplying onwards to EU/UK
UK /EU compliance for labelling and SDS
Similar regimes evolving globally (e.g. Turkey)
Session 2
Practicalities For Compliance
New suppliers - Inquiries and PPORDs
Eventual full registration and agreeing on Lead Registrant and data sharing
Responsibilities and contact details
Supplying UK and EU (languages?)
Poison Centre Notifications
Working with EU ORs / Agents/ Distributors
What are obligations of difference parties?
How to optimise your relationship
Work that can be done yourself
Module Tutor
The training will be given by Mark Selby of Denehurst Chemical Safety Ltd. Mark had many years’ experience in industry and major testing laboratories before setting up his own consulting business

Module Deputy
Caroline is a chemical legislation expert, with experience of interpreting and implementing legislation relating to hazardous chemicals. The knowledge Caroline has is wide ranging, covering both supply and transport legislation.

Delegate Feedback
Comments from delegates attending previous courses:
"Clear and relevant real life examples from the presenter, which allowed delegates to relate practical knowledge to the regulations."
“Mixture of slides and practical demonstration - particularly the UK REACH Gateway site. Mark provided lots of additional information on top of the content of the slides and made it interesting.”
“It was nice that it included some demo/walk-through of online tools like Comply With UK-REACH and IUCLID.”
Module Presentation
We will deliver this training using online training software, which we have used successfully for other CHCS training courses. You can use the software, free-of-charge on Windows, Macs, smartphones and tablets.
The sessions will run live and delegates can interact with the tutor and other delegates using their device microphone. The tutor will use a PowerPoint presentation, just as they would in face-to-face training. We will provide you with copies of the presentation and all other supporting documentation in advance of the training, by email.

CHCS Training Courses are only available to CHCS members and members of our partner organisations listed below.
If you aren't a member of CHCS we'd be pleased to welcome you to the Society, and then you may register for training courses (and other CHCS member-only events). You can JOIN US by completing the form on this website.
Our online courses are priced at £300.00 (+VAT). However, we also offer a discount price of £275.00 (+VAT) for bookings taken up to 6 weeks before the course date.
If you are a CHCS member, use your CHCS login details, then click on the "REGISTER" button shown on the right-hand-side of the screen. You will then be able to access either the Discount or Full-Price rate depending on the date.
You can pay online using your credit card, or have an invoice sent to you for payment by credit card or bank transfer. However, we only accept Credit Card payments for any registrations made within 5 weeks of the date of the course.

Members Of BADGP & SCHC
CHCS is delighted to have arrangements with:
Members of both organisations can attend CHCS events at CHCS member-only rates and vice versa. If you are a member of either organisation and wish to attend this course, please visit the Partners page of our website and follow the links to the web page of the organisation to see how to register.

Please note these Conditions
Delegates can be substituted at any time, subject to payment of a membership fee if applicable. However, once booked, the full fee is payable. As this is a limited space training event, refunds can only be made if CHCS is notified in advance, and is able to successfully re-offer the place to another delegate.
CHCS reserves the right to alter or cancel the programme due to circumstances beyond our control, including insufficient interest. If CHCS cancels, then refunds will be made.
For registrations made within 5 weeks of the course date, we only accept payment by Card.